Uniform Policy
At Glenview, learning is our highest priority. The purpose of the dress code and uniform policy is to help students focus on learning and minimize distractions.
Basic Guidelines:
- Students are expected to wear solid-color, navy blue or white shirts. Glenview T-shirts and sweatshirts may also be worn.
- Students are expected to wear navy blue pants, dark colored jeans, shorts, dresses, or skirts. Shorts, dresses, and skirts must be no more than two inches above the knee. Leggings worn under dresses and skirts should also be navy blue or white.
- Fridays are "free dress" days. School-appropriate non-uniform clothing may be worn. Other special dress days will be announced during the year.
Other Information:
- Students may wear red T-shirts or sweaters on Wednesdays as a way to show support to our teachers' union. "Wear Red on Wednesdays."
- Midriff-baring tops, spaghetti straps, and tank tops are not to be worn to school.
- We have PE and/or recess every day, so students must wear shoes that are safe for outside play. Therefore, students should wear closed-toed shoes and may not wear flip-flops, shoes that light up, heels, “heelies,” shoes with wheels, or shoes that will not stay on when running and playing. Shoes do not need to be white or blue.
- Hats and hoods should be removed upon entering the school buildings.
- Students are encouraged to wear uniform color sweaters, but most students have only one coat, so coats are not expected to be in uniform colors.
- Students who come to school in non-uniform clothing on days other than Friday will be sent to the office during first recess to borrow appropriate uniform clothing. This is not to be viewed as punishment but rather as helping the student get in uniform.
Free Uniforms/Uniform Exchanges:
There will be a free uniform exchange table at the beginning of the school year and periodically throughout the year. Those who need uniforms can pick up what they need, and those with clean (unstained, unripped) uniform-policy-worthy clothing can drop off. All clothing at these exchanges is free, and you do not need to drop something off in order to take something.