Emergency Preparedness

Glenview staff and students practice safety drills throughout the year. In addition to it being best practices for our community, we are required by state law to have regular drills that help us to think through our steps in any emergency.

Our community will practice fire drills, earthquake drills, lockouts, and lockdowns.

Fire Drills
Students are expected to follow their teacher’s instructions and evacuate the building. They will quietly and calmly exit the building and gather on the yard to make sure our community is safe.

Earthquake Drills
During an earthquake drill, students go under the tables and hold on to the leg of their table. Then, we safely evacuate to the lower yard. The school has provisions of snacks and water if students need to remain on site. Our PTA vice president updates our emergency supplies which are located near the TK and K classrooms.

Lockouts are similar to a "shelter in place". The purpose is to help us prepare if there is an incident or occurrence that would require us to make sure the building is completed locked. During lockouts, children are still allowed to use the restrooms and the school continues business as usual. We do not evacuate.

A lockdown drill is to prepare for the unlikely situation in which there is a dangerous situation is actually on campus. During this drill, the teachers lock their classroom doors and students are expected to stay in classrooms, stay quiet and stay away from windows. In the event of a lockdown, parents and caregivers will not be able to come to school to pick up your child until the lockdown is over.

In the event of a lockout or a lockdown, the Principal will notify all parents as soon as possible and provide the known details.

If there was ever a reason for us to leave the campus entirely, students will either be evacuated to the Presbyterian Church on Park Boulevard (corner of Park and Hampel).

These drills can create an opportunity to talk to your children about your own family safety plans. If there was an earthquake during the school day, who would pick your child up? If there is a fire at home, do your children know what to do? These can be scary topics to discuss, but children (like adults) generally feel reassured knowing that the adults have a plan and that the adults in their lives will always do everything they can to keep them safe.

Sometimes parents want to know the times and dates of drills in advance. This isn't possible because these dates can change depending on weather or other events at school. In addition, we want our students to learn that drills can happen unannounced (including when the alarms go off by accident!), so that if this does happen they are prepared.

Remember that anyone you want to have access to your child even during an emergency must be on your child's school emergency card. Please contact the office if you need to update your emergency contact list. Children will only be signed out to the adults on their emergency card even during emergencies. If you would like to make a change to your child’s emergency card, please contact Ms. Brown-Clark in the front office at yolanda.brown@ousd.org.