Ms. Pollak is thrilled to join the 3rd grade team at Glenview. Previously she was the Makerspace teacher, and before that Ms. Pollak taught for eight years in the Oakland Unified School District. She has experience teaching kindergarten, first, and second grades.
Teaching and learning are joyful in Ms. Pollak’s classroom. Her students love school! Students teach and learn from each other.
When Ms. Pollak is not at work, you’ll probably find her in Berkeley where she’s lived for twenty years with her husband Noah, who teaches high school, and her two teenagers, Zev and Yael.
Ms. Pollak loves family time, hiking in Tilden, walking the streets of Berkeley, visiting her local coffee shop, and sitting in her hot tub, among many other things like traveling and reading. Ms. Pollak loves the story "Sometimes I’m Bombaloo."