Ms. Hub has a bachelor's degree from Boston College and a Certificate of Administration and Management from Harvard Extension School.
Ms. Hub worked for an adoption agency in East Oakland for seven years prior to coming to Glenview. She began working at Glenview in 2015 and works as an academic mentor and an aide in K-5, as well as working with the LLI reading program. She loves getting to the know the kids and learning and laughing with them!
Ms. Hub has been with the Glenview community as a parent from 2002 to 2015! She is proud to work at the school her children attended. Her favorite children's book is by Dr. Seuss, What Was I Scared Of?, and her personal favorite is Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice. Her hobbies include cooking, reading, and spending time with her children and two dogs. She dreams of traveling with her family to Greece, Spain, and England!