Registration Information

2018-2019 Registration Forms: English | Spanish | Arabic

After you are assigned to Glenview and have accepted your spot per the OUSD instructions, you are required to register at Glenview the week before school starts. 

Who needs to register?
All Glenviews students, new and returning, must register every year.

What are the registration dates for the 2018-19 school year? Where do I go?
You must register on one of the following days: Tuesday, August 7 (9 a.m. to 2 p.m.), Wednesday, August 8 (9 a.m. to 2 p.m.) or Thursday, August 9 (9 a.m. to 2 p.m.). Registration is at Glenview at Santa Fe (915 54th St.).

Can I email or call instead?
Please do not email or call asking for your child’s assignment. Registration can only be done in person. You will not receive your class assignment until you complete the entire registration process.

I am out of town during registration days. What should I do?
If you are out of town on the registration days, you can arrange to come on a scheduled make-up day or the first day of school, and your spot will be held. Make-up days will be shared with parents as the date gets closer. Email attendance clerk Ms. Yolanda Brown, or call 510-531-6677.

Do I need to bring registration forms with me?
You may fill out the registration forms and print them out to bring with you to help speed up the process (optional). Forms are available below in English, Spanish and Arabic. All new students, all TK/kindergarteners, and all first-graders also are required to bring updated immunization records to registration. 

Download zip file of all forms or download individual forms below:

Registration Packet
Policies and Signature Page
Student Emergency Card
Acceptable Use of Technology Consent
Health Coverage
Report of Health Examination
Oral Health Assessment
Million Program Flyer
OUSD Meal Progam Form

Download zip file of all forms or download individual forms below:

Registration Packet (sp)
Policies and Signature Page (sp)
Student Emergency Card (sp)
Acceptable Use of Technology Consent (sp)
Health Coverage (sp)
Oral Health Assessment (sp)
Million Program Flyer (sp)
Parent Request for Primary Language Assistance (sp)

Download zip file of all forms or download individual forms below:

Registration Packet (ar)
Policies and Signature Page (ar)
Student Emergency Card (ar)
Acceptable Use of Technology Consent (ar)
Health Coverage (ar)
Parent Request for Primary Language Assistance (ar)

Additional questions?
Email attendance clerk Ms. Yolanda Brown, or call 510-531-6677.